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The Groundwork of Democracy
Democracy is not just the vote.
Real local input means what it says: we need a better way to elicit the views of locals in public decision-making. Democracy is “for and by the people,” right?
Democracy’s groundwork is how we go about getting that information. We can’t have democracy if we don’t do the groundwork. It is that simple.
We need to do social fieldwork. The way forward is about lots of people doing social fieldwork, taking part in social fieldwork happenings and all together establishing “what is so” with real local input.
Social fieldwork is the very act of democracy “for and by the people.” Democracy depends on real local input. Social fieldwork is the bedrock; you can’t build a democracy on sand.
Simple really. When you talk to your friends and family, tell them it is about getting out and talking to people about what is important and organizing our understanding in a way that is solid and unites us. We need to learn about each other and start rigorously connecting what matters most beyond all divides or lines of whatever: class, education, trade, color, religion…you know the litany.
How is that going to happen? Well, you have to start getting serious about it. Like when everyone is out having a picnic, make time to step away and gather up the important wisdom conversations. You know what they are.
People can organize these critical conversations in their own communities or naturally take part by listening and voicing in turn their own insights and knowledge. We can learn to make excellent group decisions to make our democracy work. We can get better at working in groups and at offering grounded research to better inform public decisions.
Electeds and decision-makers rely on their own self-interest than on making decisions to benefit the common good. They don’t do this on purpose. The culture in which these individuals reside provided this set of directives and they were not creative enough to see anything more. In addition, there is much that entrains the status quo.
We cannot rely superficial studies or hearsay without real local input. This lack of clarity is combined with corrupt advertising meant to sway consumer opinion. Combined these have left our democracy in a shambles.
Consequences of a failure to engage in real time as it plays out in the political sphere
A gap exists in the information stream used by electeds and stakeholders in making good public decisions that benefits not only locals but everyone on this beautiful planet. We are all connected through our hearts, minds, souls, the light of the sun, the water, the air and the very ground we walk upon.
Class bias and other divides make it hard for many “educated” people to hang out in certain settings. We need to get over these biases and pre-conceptions which taint our understanding of what is real.