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Our Workplan – 2017/2018
Starting this May, I plan to write a bi-weekly blog entitled: Unite our Understanding.
In order to accomplish more by being able to work more, your funding support in the form of monthly donations is critical.
Once we are at a solid level of support, I will focus on grant development for research and expanded educational programming.
With each threshold level of support, I’ll be able to do more.
I plan the following sequence of activities:
$1000 PER MONTH – Spring 2017
Once your generosity reaches threshold donation levels of $1000 per month, I will be able to develop a newsletter geared towards expanding the practice of social fieldwork. I will link outreach and education to fundraising. I plan to distribute a monthly hope-filled newsletter! The more people start doing social fieldwork in their communities, the more subscribers are likely to join our email list for GET CONNECTED! This will fuel a cycle of growing enthusiasm and recognition of the benefits of establishing a baseline in each landscape or neighborhood for community well-being and ecosystem stewardship.
$1500 PER MONTH – Summer 2017
By growing outreach, I hope to grow momentum. Our sustaining support goal for the Summer of 2017 is $1500/month. With that level of support, I will be able to offer phone consultation in half hour blocks for those ready to engage in social fieldwork in their own communities.
$2000 PER MONTH – late Summer 2017
When we reach $2000 in monthly support, I will be able to assist individuals in developing a profile as part of the Guild for Social Fieldwork. I would like to work with interested practitioners and others with a background in anthropology, journalism or activism to start growing this area of work with many profiles of experienced practitioners and potential mentors. We will also launch our Annual Funds Drive with a goal of $10,000 for online webinars starting February 2018 and in person workshops in the spring of 2018.
The Institute will hire a staff bookkeeping associate and an associate to ensure online technical development resilience. I will also be able to respond to requests for proposals by planners and others to develop fieldwork projects in the communities they serve. I also plan to dedicate half my time to grant development. I’d like to develop proposals to match grant cycles for aligned funding support with a focus on our research and expanding education.
When I have funding exceeding my full time capacity to deliver, Economics for Peace Institute will start hiring research and communications associates.
At that level of funding, we are self-sustaining and can refine our delivery of materials, respond to feedback and continue to grow the Guild for Social Fieldwork. I also hope to start connecting interested practitioners with available mentor to strengthen and encourage people new to this kind of fieldwork and research!
– Provide case studies and best practice for social fieldwork with a focus on community well-being and ecosystem stewardship.
These are stories of discovery and adventure full of hope, connectedness and redemption!
– Begin a newsletter Q&Q section with tips for working in groups and mediation
Provide a form to allow folks to provide feedback and suggestions!